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SESSION #42 - Yellow Ostrich

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SXSW Session: Givers

Words can barely express this quintet's dynamic,
their excitement and curious energy is manic.
The only band at Fader Fort to soundcheck a flute,
they're pretty adorable, no need for dispute.
Bathtubs, leaves, and goofballs galore,
a wrought iron elk and alligator for us to adore.
we recorded two songs on a bright sunny day,
as strangers who walked by slowed down to stay.
I know two things: one, that this session we can't wait to share,
and two, i REALLY want to play with Tif's hair.
These five are genuine, so close its bizarre,
you'd think they're siblings, long-lost from afar.
If these songs were good enough to make neighbors peek over the fence,
then listening immediately should take less than common sense.
It's not any ol' band that will play in the bath,
so watch Givers do it in our last SXSW session, alas:



Givers - "Atlantic (Big Ugly Yellow Couch live at SXSW)"

Givers - "Saw You First (Big Ugly Yellow Couch live at SXSW)"




SXSW Session: Chamberlin

SXSW Session: Chamberlin

South By on Sunday, off an abandoned Fifth Street,
finding a spot to shoot these boys was quite a feat.
Tucked next to an Italian restaurant, in a garden outdoors,
the chirping birds were a far cry from our windows and floors.
With the two of us tired and barely awake,
we're baffled at how this session only needed one take.
Battling wind, echoing shows and a busy street right behind,
we still can't believe we shot it one time.
The boys are pros, not to mention so precious,
I mean look at that photo! sweet as pie, just delicious.
This song is a jam, and we've had it on repeat,
hearing it over and over is quite a treat,
So enjoy Chamberlin, and their performance outdoors,
and take this session from our place to yours:


Dust by Chamberlin by BigUglyYellowCouch




Getting Into: Lovett

Let me just say this: it's invariably more difficult to describe an artist you're doodying your pants over when his name is the exact way you feel about him.

 This shit is for real, people. The word's usually saved for things like 70 degree days, lunches at Shake Shack and everything Balenciaga sends down the runway, but if that soulful dance party of a jam "Heartattack" ain't perfect, I don't know what is.

We first heard of Ben Lovett the same night we missed his set in Austin from a set time snafu and a jam band performance that went on way too long, but if there's one thing SXSW caused us to do besides stock up on Kashi and frozen vegetables to re-wire our bodies off of sauce-slathered meats, it was to kick ourselves for about ten days straight over the fatal error of missing this raspy stunner's set. 

We can't recommend this one enough. Just try your best to not get sidetracked by a room full of djembes and a sitar like we did.






Here Is A Sandwich In Me, For All To See.

It's no secret that Donald and I are certain breed of fatties when it comes to eating, and now, thanks to my favorite food-music hybrid blog Eating The Beats, my glorious personal gluttony is on display. Literally, actually, because that photo above is what I look like about every 90 minutes — throat full of sandwich, and terribly ecstatic about it all.

Find out about what artist-requested meals we've cooked for bands like Acrylics and Boy & Bear, why I'm one can of bean soup away from becoming a 90-year-old and the reason why you might not want to eat my whole wheat pancakes over on the site

Mega-thanks to Laura at ETB for allowing me to talk about my digestive system for longer than anyone should ever allow me to!


SXSW Session: Loyal Divide


SXSW Session: Loyal Divide

On a crazy day of shooting,
while partying down south,
we scurried back from West Austin
to get Loyal Divide on our makeshift couch.
Shooting at the top of a hotel,
in the place I laid my head,
we expected them to struggle to get in
but we wound up surprised instead.
Those sneaky kids
got so much equipment upstairs,
that i'd suggest hiring them
to guard any future secret lairs.
The hotel room was filled
with amps and instruments galore,
somehow an entire drum kit
wound up on the 15th floor.
With the sun shining in
on our comfy, cushioned bench,
we let them tuck in,
as we prepared for the rest.
From this couch to our real one,
a closed apartment to being bathed in light,
a wonderful band to work with,
and a session that was a delight.
So check out their snippet,
from Texas with love,
as Loyal Divide
plays you down from above:



Loyal Divide - "Vision Vision (Big Ugly Yellow Couch live at SXSW)"



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