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SESSION #42 - Yellow Ostrich

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Live at Knitting Factory: Santah

If the bands we've had over for Couch Sessions could all be considered our lovers, Santah would far and away be our first crush. They've stayed with us, they've played with us, and most importantly, I visited my first KenTacoHut with one of their members.

(Fast food trifectas conquer all, obviously.)

So, when Donald sent me the footage he shot at their Knitting Factory show a few weeks back yours truly was sick for, like, fucking weeks and had to skip out I was completely blown away. For guys we've shouted with, snuggled with and danced like robots with, this video really captures them in such a professional lens. (It's a fancy camera lens and all, but..well, you know what I'm getting at.)

Give this one a lookyloo, and fall into their former session while you're swooning as well.

Santah - "Bat Suite (live at Knitting Factory)"
Santah - "Springfield (live at Knitting Factory)"
Santah - "North Coast (live at Knitting Factory)"


Oh, Hello There.

Seasons greetings, bitches. Seems like those tushies haven't been plunking down in those cushions lately, right? Well, attentive young thangs, you're correct. Real jobs have gotten the best of us, and furniture playing funtimes have been moved under "things that need to get done to pay rent" and "four hours of sleep" in the to do list.

No sympathies here — we're happy, healthy, and so full of lunch it's not even funny — but we've neglected our music bunnies and are back for keeps. Keep your eyes, ears and other orifices open for updates from bands we love, and stay tuned for more sesharinos.

talk soon, m'ladies,

c + d


Couch Session: Milagres


Couch Session #37: Milagres

We toss a lot of words around, describing bands that come our way,
from fantastic to spooky to swooning, we'll say.
But with these guys, only one word comes to mind:
Special, in all ways, all of the time.
Something big is in store for these boys, and you can feel it swell,
Like one of those bands your entire group of friends loves as well.
"Glowing Mouth" in particular is a song you'll want to slow dance to all summer,
the hot weather lingering, sticky sweat not a bummer.
With a pinch of Jim James-ian magic, the high pitched vocals soar,
urging you to listen twice in a row, probably more.
I missed this session, because my back went out,
(i have the body of a ninety year old woman, no doubt.)
I'm still a bit blue, having missed their intimate set,
sad to have not partaken, but to them, it was no sweat.
The boys are sweethearts — and personally, I'd know,
since I talked to them on speaker phone, from a different borough.
The songs' inherent moodiness makes you want to swim in their sound,
take a dive head first, to feel it rooted in the ground.
These tunes aren't going away, we'll be the first to have it said,
so take a gander at Milagres, and await their sound to be widespread:


Milagres - "Glowing Mouth (Big Ugly Yellow Couch session)"

Milagres - "Here To Stay (Big Ugly Yellow Couch session)"

Milagres - "Lost In The Dark (Big Ugly Yellow Couch session)"





Live at Glasslands: High Highs


 We'd need an assortment of about 45 Hallmark cards to profess our love about this band, so instead of feeding the corporate haiku giant, we're just going to give you some radaroonie videos Donald shot when the band played Glasslands two weeks ago.

These came out perfectiously (that's perfect and deliciously, add it to your Websters now), and with these dudes, we truly can't get enough. Enjoy their new gem, "Phone Call", and our ye olde favorite, "Flowers Bloom". If you end up drooling at the photos, too, can't blame you. They're a precious bunch.


d + c

High Highs live at Glasslands by BigUglyYellowCouch




Couch Session: Friend Roulette

Couch Session #36: Friend Roulette

For such lighthearted folk, their songs are so deep,
perhaps that's the secret Friend Roulette likes to keep.
Balance themselves with songs emotional and true —
Come to think of it, that must be what they do.
An apple for a maraca, some nachos for snacks,
sitting in front of a flamingo while singing about lovers passed,
each song has a twinge of something special, a nicety to boot,
an odd sort of catchiness your ear can't refute.
In "The Floor", it's the dissonant harmonies meeting a drummed bicycle spoke,
for "Sailing Song", it's intentionally messing up words, not due to a choke,
But in the other, "Or Berlin", it's something different indeed,
It grabs you in a way where you have to concede.
This one's like a stab to the heart, and a tear to the eye,
a perfect song to listen to while floating thru the sky,
O'er berlin, now, actually, that's a nice thought,
to be dreaming so hazily in a new land you've sought,
Either way, with this song, we're over the moon,
finding it impossible not to sit back and swoon,
so now, with this session, we'll give you just that,
enjoy Friend Roulette, who is now up at bat:


Friend Roulette - "Sailing Song (Big Ugly Yellow Couch session)"

Friend Roulette - "The Floor (Big Ugly Yellow Couch session)"

Friend Roulette - "Or Berlin (Big Ugly Yellow Couch session)"



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