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SESSION #42 - Yellow Ostrich

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Entries in DOM (1)


Best. Interview. Ever.

Pitchfork: Your MySpace says you're signed to Lil Wayne's label, Young Money Entertainment.

DOM: Yeah, we want to be on that label. I wanna go clubbing with Drake and Weezy. I wanna just just kick it with them, smoke some blunts, drink some Patron, play some video games. If they wanted to sign us, I'd be down like a clown, Charlie Brown. We know they'd give us a lot of creative control and a lot of money and that's what we like.

I'd say more about Pitchfork's Rising piece with DOM, but I don't want to ruin it. Just read it. And, if you haven't heard the insanely catchy "Burning Bridges", hop to it.