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SESSION #42 - Yellow Ostrich

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Entries in Dancing Alone To Pony (1)


An Open Letter To Ginuwine:


Dear Ginuwine,

I don't know how you've accomplished the kind of resurgence that NKOTB's three-year-long reunion tour has yet to complete, but man, I cannot stop watching people dancing alone to your grossly sexual song. And even though I'm terrified that I'm going to get called down to HR on Friday morning to explain why I was on my work computer watching all of these bad white dancers wiggling their shirtless parts along to a song that hasn't been popular in 14 years, I don't care because all I want to do is watch these crazy strangers dancing alone until there are no more strangers anywhere left to dance by themselves in front of a low-res camera.

The whole site is like my own personal American Idol but instead of oddballs that are hand picked by casting directors who spot mental instability across the room, it's just a ton of people in their rawest environment — alone in an empty room in their parents house — doing what they should only do in a mirror for about thirty-five seconds until they realize they don't look like they're in a rap music video and saunter back into the kitchen for a Frito Lay-brand snack.

This whole thing has single-handedly turned the creepy guy I squirm away from at a bar into a shirtless wonder I can't stop staring at. And for that, I thank you.

PS - I love that there is someone out there right now who is most definitely being grounded for uploading a video of them grinding to this song to the internet.