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SESSION #42 - Yellow Ostrich

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BOOOOOOOOOOOOO. If I wasn't running out of produce i would throw tomatoes at my computer.


Mexican Summer, Brooklyn Winter.

Besides the lineup practically driving me to impulsively drain my savings account for a plane ticket to SXSW, the bands at Gorilla vs. Bear's Showcase are literally all terms I would use to describe the world's greatest vacation:

"Eternal summer on the best coast we can find. I grab a handful of sandwitches, some of my dum dum girls, my best friend JJ and we hang at our sick beachside real estate all day. At night, we get totally washed out - it gets like Pearl Harbor up in there - and on the way home delve into memory tapes to remember what we said to that hot mountain man and his woodsman friend when we went out at Tamaryn over the weekend. Ah, to be the young."

I think I have snow day cabin fever...


How To Disappear Completely.

I'm 99% sure someone kidnapped Thom Yorke and replaced him with Clay Aiken.

No, seriously:


If Thom's got a Facebook account — which would be amazing, by the way — he better have had this kid's mug up for doppelganger week.



Or, Just Really Good At Sneaking In To Shows.

I really need to stop playing hard to get with tickets.


Come On Over.

We're currently scheduling musicians and bands to plop their tushes on our cushy cushions for the end of February through March. If you have suggestions, thoughts, input or would just like to send emails because you like typing (in which case, we recommend you get a job as a court stenographer, like, immediately), drop us a line at

Until then, stay out of the snow, friends.