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SESSION #42 - Yellow Ostrich

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I'd Post The Fever Ray Acceptance Speech...

But really, it's so terrifying that I don't even want to Google it. The melted-candle-face-gum-on-bottom-of-shoe look is what nightmares and Pan's Labyrinth are made of. The whole "I don't like showing my face" schtick is has been done and is rather annoying, considering by going to great lengths to avoid showing your face, you're drawing an unbelievable amount of attention towards it. And for fuck's sake, Karin Dreijer Andersson is actually pretty. Leave the face altering for the rest of us and the geniuses at NARS, okay?

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Reader Comments (2)

Total Lolztown on this, Carlye, I 100% agree You're right, she's dealing with a saturated market here in the face-covering world. Either that or it was the "challenge" to Lady Gaga that some are suspecting----either way, it comes across as trying way too hard for someone who actually has great music.
Pitchfork ate that shit up though----toooolz.

January 27, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterRG

I think the point of the face covering and make-up isn't about insecurities. She was all about showing her pretty face when she was in Honey Cool. I think the point is to let the art speak for itself and to avoid associating her music with her face.......letting it (the music) stand on its own. She does occasionally show her face, but almost always in cameo appearances (Royskopp's 'What Else Is There' video). She's really just avoiding stardom, which I think she feels can overshadow the art. Just my 2 cents.

August 5, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAdam

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